Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I know I do not post as much as I should. I have a very busy life right now. It will be slowing down a lot in a few short months though. Not sure if that will be a good thing of a bad thing!! ha ha

In December my Husband and I decided that our oldest son Christian should be home schooled. He is in First Grade and very very smart. He was getting really bored at school and they were doing nothing to challenge his brain. Christian is a very fast learner and he understands things pretty much the first time he is told and he remembers it!! ( I wish my brain was like that!! ha ha ) We talked to his teacher, principal, and even the superintendent. None of them were willing to do anything for him. They just told us it was his behavior. I personally do not believe in medicating children so they "behave". Kids are going to be kids and they don't need to be on drugs to turn them into Zombies.... I was afraid they were going to tell us he needed to be tested for ADD, which I know he does not have!! The kid can sit for hours and play with play dough or bendaroos, if he had ADD he would not be able to do that!! ha ha So, we decided to look into homeschooling. I am so thankful we did!! We are using an online school and it is working out great!! I am his "Learning Coach" and he has an online teacher. She is super nice!! She called me yesterday and told me that we are doing great and that next year if Christian keeps going the way he is he could move up a grade level!! So, maybe half way through next year he will start doing 3rd grade work!! I'm so proud of my boy!!

I also have a 2 year old named Aiden. He's very tiny but has a HUGE personality. He's always getting into something. I have to watch him like a Hawk!! He has kept me on my toes since before he was born!! ha ha He is totally opposite of Christian. Aiden has no interest in learning at all!! By the time Christian was 2 he knew how to count to 13, knew all of his colors and shapes and when he was 3 he was starting to read!! Aiden doesn't want to sit down to look at boring old books. :p He does like to sit and color and he knows all of his colors and some shapes. He is a very sweet little boy but ornery as all get out!!

I also babysit through the week for a friend of mine. The baby is 6 months old and pretty spoiled. He likes to be held a lot which is not always possible for me to do. A lot of times I find myself doing things one handed and fighting with him to stop grabbing my books!! ha ha He is a very precious baby and I do enjoy babysitting him.

With all of that plus trying to keep up with housework, making videos, and all the other things I do I don't have much time for me.... But, it's totally worth it!! I am very happy!! I love being a Wife and Mommy!!